Monday, April 21, 2014


The jet landed at Lindbergh Field and Cassandra deplaned. It was about 8:00 and getting quite dark. Once she was out of the terminal she sped on foot to the middle of the parking lot, raised her wings and was aloft. She found her way to the old mission, one of the oldest buildings in California and Joaquin's regular haunt.

Standing by a fountain she was immediately joined by Joaquin.

“What brings you south? It's not the best time of year and few tourists. Thinking of leaving the foggy city up North?”, he smiled.

“I'm afraid not dear friend. I have a problem in San Francisco and I was hoping you might be able to help me with some information.

“Would this problem go buy the name of Samuel?”

“So you know him.”

“Unfortunately. I first met him when he came to Alta California with the miners. He was a cruel and ignorant thief. Has he changed much in the last 160 years?”

“Probably richer and better mannered but still a thief and I believe quite cruel.”

“You be careful me linda cariƱo .”

“I shall Joaquin. I hope you haven't forgotten that I am powerful and strong in my own right.”

“How could I forget a woman who could beat me in a sword fight! There were some angry hombres that lost a fair amount of money betting on that match! I'm sure in a one on one match you could have Samuel’s head rolling on the floor in no time. But he's not likely to come at you alone and in some way disadvantaged.”

“What can you tell me of him, of his past”

“His is a very strange story.” Joaquin began

“Aren't all of ours?”

“No, You became vampire as an alternative to mortal death. I was imprisoned and destined for the gallows when an ancient Aztec vampire offered me a way out. Our friend Samuel is vampire because of a curse. Back in the early 1800s he was the overseer of slaves in one of the harshest places on the continent, South Carolina. They had just backed away from working slaves to death because of the expense but that doesn't mean they weren't worked very hard. Samuel was an overseer. He rode about the fields on his horse with a whip in hand. If he thought a worker was too slow, that man or woman caught a lash with the whip. If he were really angry he would wait till just before the start of work the next day and tie the unfortunate one to a whipping post and give him or her  as many lashes as he saw fit. I've heard him brag that he killed a few with the whip. Samuel was a man that enjoyed his work. Life was good. Beating black men in the day and whores and drink at night.

Then one day the Master of the plantation bought a new woman slave to work in the house. She was said to know something of mending wounds. The master had actually acquired himself a bruja, a witch and a powerful one, too. It didn't take very many beatings or observations on her part for the bruja to decide something must be done with our dear Samuel. She brewed up some kind of elixir then put it in a punch she served him at days end. The next morning he arose before sunrise as was usual and organized the slaves into work gangs and began marching them to their assigned areas. As he did, the sun began to rise. The more light that filled the sky, the worse he felt. When the full sun came up he became sick in front of the slaves and took to his horse, at a full gallop back to his cabin. He was never to go in the sun again. A week later he was fired from his job and told to vacate the premises. He figured out how to stay out of the sun and how to feed himself but it was hardscrabble the first years.

There were lots of slaves to satisfy his appetite. No one really cared much whether they lived or died; no one with the power to do something anyway. He just ate his way through the South.

He remained poor though. While the slaves had much blood to offer him they had nothing in the way of wealth to enrich him. Then the gold rush came and he made his way to San Francisco where he fed on and robbed people. Today, he's very wealthy and respected. Strange story. As far as anyone knows, he never really died. He enthralled prostitutes to work for him and he was a wealthy vampire in no time. But his greed knew no bounds. He wanted it all.

He made an arrangement with two other vampires that would make San Francisco theirs. Vampires were accosted and told that to stay in San Francisco they had to take booty and give a quarter of it to his gang. Most left because there were plenty of other places to find blood and money in California.

About 2 years ago he tried the prostitution trick again. He found a beautiful young female vampire and tried to use mind power to force her into the game. Mind control is apparently not his strong point for she refused to do it. Angry,he and one of his partners set upon her at her  awakening. They chain her in silver then raped her. I know these things from the other vampires I've encountered. These men like to brag of their activities.

“The woman, what became of her?”

She is still there. They must of threatened her with something because I know it's not for love of these pigs that she stays.”


“Yes, I believe that is her name.”

“Thank you, Joaquin. I feel like I know what I'm dealing with now.”

“You intend to take him on? I know you are powerful and strong but you should have some allies in this fight. I would volunteer but I'm so far away. I couldn't get there in a hurry. Where is Sabine?

“And speaking of hurry's the last plane out leaves in an hour. I should be on it.”

“Please, stay for awhile, Cassandra. I've not seen you in so long and all we've talked about is ese pendejo. I'll call and arrange a private jet to take you home. You won't have to deal with TSA again either.

“ I would like that very much.”

Joaquin took out his phone and called to make the flight arrangements and hung up the phone.

“Your plane leaves at 4:00 and will arrive at 5:00. Will that be enough time for you to get home before sunrise?”

“Yes. Thank you so much.”

“So what shall we do for the next five hours, Cassandra?”

“Well,I'm not hungry, are you? We could get some humans for bed toys and take the bite. Or maybe just you and I alone. ”

“Cassandra, sometimes I wonder about you. Is sex the only thing you think about?”

“Joaquin! It certainly is not! You're an old friend and having finished with this nasty business I thought some pleasure would be good for us both”

“Do you know what would give me the greatest pleasure ,Cass? Talking with a trusted a friend about things that matter. So much the better if that friend is a smart and beautiful woman. I long for just touch and affection.”

“Well, why don't we go to your hacienda and do just that? You have a hot tub don't you?”

“Yes I do but I bet you didn't bring your swimsuit with you.”

“I don't think I even own one. But you have my word. No seduction.”

With that Joaquin and Cassandra spread their wings and headed east to the arid emptiness of the Southern California's desert.

Joaquin's home was a classical Spanish style. It featured curved arches at the front with a garden plaza at the center of which was a blue and white porcelain fountain The building was made of the solid adobe bricks that graced old Mission period buildings, a foot thick to keep the blazing summer heat out. It was covered with a red tile roof. On the whole, a beautiful home.

Joaquin and Cassandra entered the home, the interior of which was a contemporary style. They chatted on a couch and sipped fine Cabernet as the tub filled with water. Once filled they went into the adjacent bedroom and disrobed. Cassandra could not help but take a look at the olive skinned, swarthy body beside her. It reminded her of the men of Cadiz she had seen so long ago. They quickly entered the tub and sat close so they could hear each other over the jets of the water.

“How is it that a handsome and intelligent man like yourself has no partner?”

He lowered his head and said softly, “I did.”

“Do you want to tell me about it?”

“Perhaps I should. It may help me to end this mourning I've been doing for nearly 400 years.”

“I know something of mourning but I want to hear your story.”

“I came to Mexico from Seville in 1648. I was alone then, out to seek my fortune in this place that was supposed to be an El Dorado. I soon found the streets were not paved with gold but a smart and clever man could indeed make a fortune in the new lands. In addition to selling my skills as a builder, I would go to old Indian areas and dig for graves. High ranking Indians were often buried with large amounts of gold and jewels. Yes, I was a grave robber. What did I care. All their families were dead and besides, they were heathens anyway.

One evening, just past sunset, I had been searching inside the ruins of what must have been an old temple of some kind. I saw one block on a wall that looked different from the others. An ideal spot for the tomb of a prince or priest. Greed took hold of me. I lit a torch and began working at the stone with my chisels and hammers. Suddenly, like magic, the stone pushed itself out. Before me stood an ancient Indian nobleman. I couldn't understand what he was saying but I was sure he was not happy. Faster than I could see, he was upon me, his fangs in my neck, my blood pouring down his throat. I was almost dead when he stopped. He bit into his wrist and put it to my mouth. I had to swallow or not breath. It made no difference for I died moments later anyway.

The next thing I remember waking up covered in Earth! I thought he'd buried me alive, which was not far from the truth. I dug my way out and there he was standing, waiting for me. He started to speak and strangely, I could understand him now!

“So you wanted gold did you? Now you are vampire go into the night and feed yourself on the blood of others, take what is theirs. You'll find it easier to rob the living than robbing the dead. And don't forget, you sleep in the day. Get yourself to the grave before the sun rises.”

“With that, he spread his wings and flew away. Somehow I managed to live and two years later, I met Katya, a young vampire from Catalonia.

It was love at first site. We were together through almost every night. We fed and made love ravenously! Then one night when we were apart she stayed out too late to make it home before sunrise. She went into a church and climbed into an alter crypt. Unfortunately one of the priests saw her know the rest. I never saw her again. She was truly dead. That my dear, is why I hate priests. When I came to California if I ever saw a priest mistreat a Mission Indian, he became my next meal. With these rapacious priests exposed now I may resume my favorite dining.”

Silently they left the tub and laid down on the bed. Cassandra held Joaquin in her arms as he softly wept.

“You've been mourning ever since?”

He nodded, “I've had sex with others of course, even other vampires but I've never found one to replace Katya in my heart.”

“But enough about me; tell me what is new about you and Sabine? Are you two finished? Where is she while your troubles distract you?”

Cassandra shed a tear, She is in France. She goes there for at tleast six months every year; sometimes she stays longer. She’s been gone more than a year now. I had thought of joining her for a visit before all these problems arose. Sabine has never really liked living in the United States. She has lived in Europe for the better part of 500 years and she loves living in France. She can host elegant events for her neighbors and be part of the festivals that happen throughout the year. Sabine spends time in Paris as well. She haunts the fashion shows every year. She only returns to California because I am here.

“The right time for her to return would be now, Cassandra. Together you could slay a dozen Samuels.”

“You are right of course. I think part of my stubbornness is I want to prove that I am capable of make it on my own without her help. After this I'll be finished with it.”

“If you're still alive,”

“Please Joaquin, lets not ruin this night with an argument.”

“I'm sorry. I meant no offense. I just care for you.”

They snuggled in each others arms until 4:00 was approaching. They climbed into the back seat of a Mercedes and told the driver to make it fast.  The sporty took off at high speed and was soon on the tarmac of the private section of the airport. Cass prepared to board the Gulfstream, They shared a tender kiss and said goodbye.
Flight time from San Diego to San Francisco was about 1 hour. There was little air traffic and the gulf stream landed quickly.  Cassandra was surprised to see a two coffins in the back of the plane.  Just then a sleepy Joaquin sat up and said “Good morning.”

“What are you doing here?” cried an angry Cass.

“I didn’t want you to die alone, Carida.”

The hearse arrived and the coffins loaded into the vehicle with Cass and Joaquin inside. It sped off to Cassandra’s home where her servant awaited their arrival.     

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